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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Truck Donation to Mitch Albom's Have Faith Haiti Mission

From Left to Right: Joe Andronaco Jr. (President), Mark Mendelsohn, (Project Coor. for HFHM) and Joe Andronaco Sr. (CEO)

Originally published on Mitch Albom's Website:

" Mobility is crucial to the survival of the Have Faith Haiti Mission. Without the ability to travel independently, the Mission can be cut off from people and much-needed supplies. Joe Andronaco, Sr. of Corrosion Fluid Products Corp. in Farmington, MI donated a Ford F-450 truck with a 12' flatbed to us to use in Haiti. It is a used truck, but he insisted on cleaning it and fixing it up before donating. We are so thankful for his generous gift. "

Mitch Albom is an internationally renowned and best-selling author (Tuesdays with Morrie), journalist, screenwriter, playwright, radio and television broadcaster and musician.